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Week 8


  • Optimized the API
  • Created API Documentation using Swagger
  • Devoted significant time to devising an approach that accounts for all scenarios

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During Week 8, I gained valuable insights into software development and project management:

  1. Bug Solving and Debugging: I encountered several challenging bugs while optimizing the API. Through careful debugging and systematic testing, I learned effective strategies for identifying and resolving issues, improving the overall reliability of the system.

  2. Optimization Techniques: The process of optimizing the API taught me various techniques to enhance performance, reduce response times, and optimize resource utilization. I learned how to balance trade-offs between speed, memory usage, and code complexity.

  3. Approach Planning: Spending dedicated time on devising a comprehensive approach before implementation proved invaluable. By considering all possible scenarios and edge cases, I was able to create a more robust and adaptable solution.

  4. Documentation Importance: Creating API documentation using Swagger highlighted the significance of clear and concise documentation. Well-documented APIs improve collaboration among team members and provide users with a better understanding of how to interact with the system.

  5. Version Control Best Practices: Contributing to the project through pull requests and commits deepened my understanding of version control systems. Adhering to best practices in version control ensures smoother collaboration and better code management.

These learnings significantly contributed to my growth as a developer and enhanced my problem-solving skills. They will undoubtedly shape my approach to future projects.